
Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Kanji Breakthrough Method - free PDF

The Kanji Breakthrough method is a system to enable faster learning of Kanji
by breaking them down into smaller pieces.

This Kanji Breakthrough column was written by Mary Sisk Noguchi, (who passed away last December 2012, may she rest in peace), who was Associate Professor at Meijo University in Nagoya, columnist at Japan Times, and owned the website

This website has a wealth of fun articles not only about Kanji but about Japanese language in general.For a sampling, below is an excerpt from the article Popular Japanese Words (2012):

  • スマホ (sumaho, “smart phone”)
    Yes, this is the way “smart phone” has been abbreviated to create a foreign loan word unrecognizable to the world outside Japan.. More and more Japanese consumers are giving up their cell phones for touchscreens, both Japanese and international models. The 4S iPhone proved wildly popular, and dozens of other models are available, including the DoCoMo smart phone.

    わず (wazu, "was," i.e., where I was)
    ういる (uiru, "will," i.e., where I will be)

    The Japanese approximation of the English word “now,” なう (now) has been used for several years by young people when texting, as a suffix to indicate their current location, i.e.,「渋谷なう」Shibuya nau. “I’m in Shibuya now.” Recently added to the mix are the past (わず, was) and future (ういる, will) tenses, i.e.,「渋谷わす」Shibuya wasu.“I was in Shibuya”; [渋谷ういる」Shibuya uiru. “I’m going to Shibuya.”

    借りパク (karipaku, “the failure to return a borrowed item”)
    パクる (pakuru) is a long-standing slang word meaning “to steal.” New face 借りパク is a combination of 借 (ka-riru, borrow) and “steal.” Riding someone else’s bicycle home from the station with no intention of returning it is a common example of 借りパク, as is filching some else’s umbrella from an umbrellas stand when you forgot to bring your own. If you have had a book belonging to someone else on your shelf for several years you may be guilty of 借りパク yourself.

More good news!
12 of her wonderful Kanji Breakthrough columns in the Nihongo journal were compiled into a FREE single PDF which you can download thru the kanjiclinic website
or directly here:

These are the 12 topics in the pdf:

"Kanji Breakthrough"Topics:
1. Learning to divide individual kanji into all of their components
2. Getting a grip on different types of kanji components
3. Remembering a keyword for every component
4. Remembering a story to tie the components of kanji together
5. Creating your own stories to tie the components of kanji together
6. Remembering one core meaning for each kanji
7. Figuring out the meaning of unfamiliar kanji compound words
8. Mastering kanji compound word patterns, #1
9. Mastering kanji compound word patterns, #2
10. Predicting on-pronunciations with phonetic components
11. Understanding on-yomi and kun-yomi
12. Getting a grip on irregular kanji readings

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