
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Useful Stuff for JLPT N5 mostly - some songs and games (Learning Japanese the Easy Way)

  1. First, date and time practice:
    1. 今日は2011年9月_日です。時刻は12時です。今日は火曜日です。天気は曇りです。明日は水曜日です。皆さんは_人です。
  2. Quiz - verb meanings and adjective antonyms
  3. Cheat sheets - get them here (very good summary of verb conjugation) here and here
  4. Memorization tips - use of spaced repetition
  5. Some (slightly) fun stuff
    1. Play this game to learn common Japanese expressions like "sugoi!" or "hontou?"
    2. Memorize counters for people with this song video
    3. A talking calendar
    4. If you haven't memorized telling time (one o clock, two o clock) try this basic game
  6. Kanji 、かんじ、漢字。 (to the tune of Quando, Quando, Quando)
    1. People-related kanji video:
      1. 人 - hito - Person
        男 - otoko - Man
        女 - onna - Woman
        親 - oya - Parent
        子 - ko - Child
        父 - chichi - Father
        母 - haha - Mother
        友 - tomo - friend
    2. Ikura desu ka ビデオ (Jyuu 十 (10) 、hyaku 百 (100) 、sen 千 (1000) 、man 万 (10,000), En 円)
    3. Kanji sudoku - play sudoku using Kanji numbers -great way to memorize numbers. I used the one by PhonPhun before (J2ME game)
    4. Why study Kanji? Aside from being needed for JLPT, let's see why kanji is necessary
    5. Use Kanji worksheets just to get a feel for it and recognize the Kanji 
      1. very cute worksheets (10 characters only)
      2. to create your own selection, you may use renshuu (sample worksheets)
      3. these are more complete - with readings and English meanings  
      4. and this too
    6. Wallpaper! Lastly, take advantage of passive learning - now that you've memorized hiragana, take down your hiragana wallpaper and replace it with a kanji wallpaper such as this (100 kanji) or better yet this one with pictures of the meaning (80 kanji)
    7. Create your Kanji story. The page above (with pictures) made use of all the 80 Kanji in a story. and is selling the pdf for 10 dollars. You may also create your own story/ies that uses all the Kanji and grammar points... Typewritten is ok too! It's easier to read.
しゅくだい (火曜日、水曜日、木曜日)
  • Go through all of the100 Kanji's English meanings (using renshuu or some other way)
  • see the uses of the Kanji in actual words - signup for (Level N5 is totally FREE!)

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